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Art & Design

Year 10 and 11– BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Art and Design

Why choose walsall studio school?

Typically, Studio schools offer smaller class sizes allowing for a more bespoke education allowing you to make more individualised choices and freedom within your artwork.

We encourage you to push yourself and try new techniques and creative pathways that you may not have previously considered.

The art room is well resourced with everything you will need to produce artwork using traditional methods and we also have a computer suite with the latest software that you can use to produce exciting digital artwork.

We are offering additional masterclass sessions on animation through different approaches – stop-motion, hand-drawn ‘cel’ animation, digital 2D keyframe animation and 3D animation using industry standard software.

What will I learn?

The Art and Design Tech Award is structured into two separate components.

Throughout year 10 you will work towards component 1 and will be set a theme but will have creative freedom to take interpret how you want. You will taught how to use a range of skills, materials and techniques and then use them to develop your project through different stages of an art project which you will end by creating a large scale piece of work.

You will have the choice of many different pathways to produce your artwork – photography, drawing and painting, digital art and animation, etc.

Throughout Yr11 you will continue to develop your skills in various art disciplines and then will be provided with a new theme for component 2, which will culminate with an exam in which you will produce a final piece of work.

You will produce your own online portfolio at the end of component 1 which you can take with you and continue to update.

How will I study?

This is a very practical, hands-on course which will involve many teacher-led demonstrations of art techniques using different materials, followed by practical tasks.

As you progress through your projects, you will be given the freedom to find inspiration from artists and sources from your own research.

You will be provided with a sketchbook that you will be encouraged to take home and continue to work on independently at home.

There are many different ways of contributing towards your sketchbooks, such as drawing and painting into them, taking photos of primary studies and recording your progress through annotations. There will always be something you can do to further your progress and achieve a higher grade.

How will I be assessed?

You will study two components. At the beginning of year 10 you will have many workshop sessions where you will be learning new techniques and skills. After the first half-term you will be provided with the theme for component 1 which you being to work towards and submit by the end of year 10.

You will continue to develop your skills in various art techniques at the beginning of year 11 until the brief for component 2 is launched and then you will begin to work through a new sketchbook towards a final piece of artwork.

Component 1 is worth 60% and component 2 is worth 40% of the overall grade which will be awarded in the Pass, Merit, Distinction grading system.


There are two projects and some opportunities to showcase work publicly and have even had our student’s work exhibited in the Walsall New Art gallery.

Studio +

We are offering additional masterclass sessions on animation through different approaches – stop-motion, hand-drawn ‘cel’ animation, digital 2D keyframe animation and 3D animation using industry standard software.

Next Steps/ Prospects

The skills developed through an education in art and design are integral to many roles within the creative sector, which is a collection of exciting and vibrant industries including fashion, games, advertising, graphics and publishing, craft and product design, interior design and architecture.

Alongside Art & Design...

As well as studying the specialist subject you’re passionate about, it’s a legal requirement for all Key Stage 4 students to follow the National Curriculum.This means it’s mandatory that you also study:

Alongside a chosen pathway subject and Core Studies, students must also choose two more Option Subjects to equip them with a range of knowledge and skills.

As well as studying the specialist subject you’re passionate about, it’s a legal requirement for all Key Stage 4 students to follow the National Curriculum.This means it’s mandatory that you also study: