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Attendance & Absence Reporting 

Attendance & Absence Reporting 

At Studio School & Sixth our students are encouraged to achieve their full potential. They will begin their journey of ‘Transforming from school student to young creative professional’. However, this can only happen when their attendance at school is a priority.
Studies have shown a variety of negative effects of poor attendance. A student is less likely to achieve 5 GCSE’s or equivalent examinations if they have attendance below 96%. This means an average of 40 lessons are missed and will have an impact on your achievements.
Studio School & Sixth asks that all medical/dental appointments are taken out of school time. Parents/carers need to be aware that they may be referred to the Local Authority to have a fixed penalty issued, details around this can be found in the Attendance Policy.
At Studio School & Sixth punctuality is also fundamental in ensuring you achieve. If a student arrives late to school every day their learning begins to suffer. Below is a graph that explains the impact that poor punctuality every day will have on your learning.

It is the responsibility of everyone at Studio School & Sixth to monitor, improve and celebrate attendance.

  • The Attendance Officer and Team monitors student absence and punctuality on a daily basis. Parent/Carers are expected to call the school in the morning if their child is going to be absent due to ill health and on each subsequent day until the child returns to school.
  • Pupils must arrive in school by 8.30am on each school day. The register will be taken during first tutorial at 8.35am and kept open until 9.00am, and again at second afternoon tutorial at 12pm and remain open until 12.30pm.
  • Students who arrive late to school and/or lessons will be marked with an L in the register. Parents will be informed via text message if student arrives to school late. For each two late marks in a week a lunch time detention will be issued (unless he/she is able to present satisfactory explanation or evidence). When a student is persistently late or absent, Pastoral staff will contact parents/carers by telephone in the first instance. They will be invited into school to meet with the Pastoral and Attendance Team to discuss issues impacting upon their child’s attendance and punctuality.
  • We encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Parents/carers should notify the Attendance Team of any medical appointments as soon as possible in advance of the appointment.
  • The Principal may not grant any leave of absence to students during term time unless they consider there to be ‘exceptional circumstances’. A leave of absence request form must be completed and will be considered on an individual basis. The school will aim to be fair and consistent for all students. A written response will be provided on the decision for the leave of absence. The school considers each application for term-time absence individually, taking into account the specific facts, circumstances and relevant context behind the request. A leave of absence is granted entirely at the Principal’s discretion.
  • All staff are expected to challenge attendance and shift our culture to new, higher expectations. With a consistency across the school, students will receive the same message leading to improved progress and performance. Acknowledging this new culture in the same way, every time will see an impact in improved attendance at Studio School & Sixth.